
We appreciate you taking out the time to visit our website. Our Project is registered with the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (“MahaRERA”) and the Registration Number is P51800005440. We would like to inform our customers that none of the images, material, stock photography, projections, details, descriptions and/or any other information of whatsoever nature that are available and/or displayed on this website should be deemed to be or constitute any advertisement, solicitation, marketing, offer for sale, invitation to offer or an invitation to acquire. Therefore, we humbly request you to verify any and/or all doubts that you may have regarding all the details and aspects of any proposed booking/acquisition of apartments with our authorized representatives, who will always be available to assist you for any queries and/or concerns that you may have. Kindly do not rely on any information of whatsoever nature contained on this website without verification of concerns from your end. We thank you for your understanding and kind co-operation.